Change one ancillary on an existing booking
Workflow description
This workflow is used to change one ancillary on an existing booking.
It is a combination of the workflows Add ancillaries to existing booking and Delete items from an existing booking.
Due to the limitation of the IATA_OrderReshopRQ to request specific services, in this workflow only IATA_OrderChangeRQ is supported.
This means, that for the deletion of item, IATA_OrderChangeRQ is used in this workflow.
This means also, that the restriction of the IATA_OrderChangeRQ is taking effect, that only one item can be deleted at a time.
Therefore this workflow can only be used to change one ancillary item at a time.
Message Flow
IATA_OrderReshopRQ or IATA_OrderChangeRQ?
In this workflow, only IATA_OrderChangeRQ is supported due to the ancillary related limitations.