Cancel booking using IATA_OrderCancelRQ
Workflow description
This workflow is used to cancel an existing booking. While it is possible to cancel a booking using only IATA_OrderCancelRQ, it is recommended to use the complete flow including the pricing step.
This is necessary to present for example possible cancellation fees to the customer.
Please note, that IATA plans to move the cancellation functionality completely to IATA_OrderChangeRQ. Therefore it might be possible, that in future releases the IATA_OrderCancelRQ wil no longer be present in the NDC-Model. The API will support both ways, please also check Cancel booking using IATA_OrderChangeRQ
Message Flow
IATA_OrderReshopRQ or IATA_OrderChangeRQ?
In this case there is not much of a difference in using IATA_OrderReshopRQ or IATA_OrderChangeRQ.
Both ways are possible and interchangeable because the IATA_OrderCancelRQ is not relying on previous requests.