Change flights on an existing booking
Workflow description
This workflow is used to change flights on an existing booking.
It is a combination of the workflows Add flights to existing booking and Delete items from an existing booking.
Message Flow
IATA_OrderReshopRQ or IATA_OrderChangeRQ?
Both options are supported by the API and can be used by the client.
The choice depends on the use case of the client.
If the update should be executed fully offer-based on shopping offers, the client should use IATA_OrderChangeRQ.
If more flight items should be deleted at a time, IATA_OrderReshopRQ should be used.
Due to the fact, that as soon as more than one passenger is present on the booking, a flight change always includes more than one deleted item (1 orderitem per passenger),
it is advised to use IATA_OrderReshopRQ in the most cases, because IATA_OrderChangeRQ can only delete one item at a time.