Add flights to existing booking

Workflow description

This workflow is used to add flights to an existing booking.

The Client has to retrieve the existing booking first, then he is able to shop for new flights.

After the Client has decided, which amendments he wishes to attach, he can inquire these changes using an IATA_OrderChangeRQ and the endpoint “/order/changeInquiry”.

This will simulate the update and return an IATA_OrderViewRS containing the Orderand how it would look after the change. This may also include possible update or cancellation fees.

Please note that after the inquiry step, the Order has not been changed yet!

It is also possible to use the IATA_OrderReshopRQ and the endpoint “/order/reshop” for the pricing step. The differences will be listed below.

The inquiry step is also fully optional, it is just an assisting step to provide final information to the customer before actually changing the Order.

If the Client is sure to apply the changes, he sends an IATA_OrderChangeRQ to change the booking using the endpoint “/order/change”.

This will return an IATA_OrderViewRS with the successfully changed Order, or an error message, if something prohibited the change process.

Message Flow

../_images/Update_booking_add_flights.png ../_images/Update_booking_add_flights_reshop.png

IATA_OrderReshopRQ or IATA_OrderChangeRQ?

In this workflow both possibilities are supported by the API. This enables full flexibility for the client.

The differences are:

  • IATA_OrderReshopRQ

  • full flight information have to be added to the request (not shopping based)

  • no previous shopping request required (if flight details are known)

  • following IATA_OrderChangeRQ has to reference the ids from the IATA_OrderReshopRS

  • IATA_OrderChangeRQ

  • request based on shopping ids

  • IATA_AirShoppingRQ is required, because the offerIds have to be references in the inquiry request

  • fully optional pricing step, because following IATA_OrderChangeRQ references previous shopping ids, not ids from the inquiry response

Samples for both workflows will be added to the NDC XML Samples.